''My purpose in performing is to communicate with the joy I experience in living.''-----John Denver


高中英文老師Michael每學期總會安排幾堂課介紹英文歌、放給我們聽,調劑一下緊繃的升學壓力,我很喜歡這堂課。John Denver的〈Take Me Home,Country Road〉也是這時在課堂上聽到 。聽他的歌,最初的感覺悅耳舒服,或許會誤以為是簡簡單單,抒發情緒的一首歌,但是細究每首歌歌詞,才發現並不是這麼簡單。約翰丹佛可以用很簡單純粹的語言,描繪內心幽微的多種層次,一分都不能加添或減少的切中,甚至還沒聽過他的說法時,我只能模模糊糊的感受到類似的情感,經他一唱,我才確定那感覺是實實在在的。


〈Take me home country road〉一直是我很喜歡的一首歌,年少時只覺得曲調好聽,長大離家在外,這首歌就變得很深刻,也會想起家附近的鄉間小道;〈The eagle and the hawk〉是高亢激揚的歌,既白描高空上飛翔的鷹,也象徵人遠大的志向...套句Bob Dylan的話說,這不是鄉村民謠,而是「時代歌曲」。不是緬懷、不是過往的紀錄,而是歷久彌新,捕捉時代脈動、共相的歌。



專輯:Gold Collection

曲目:1.: Leaving, on a Jet Plane 2.: Annie's Song 3.: Perhaps Love (With Placido Domingo) 4.: The Eagle and the Hawk 5.: Sunshine on My Shoulders 6.: Poems, Prayers and Promises 7.: Follow Me 8.: Starwood in Aspen 9.: Rhymes & Reasons 10.: Goodbye Again 11.: I'm Sorry 12.: Calypso 13.: Rocky Mountain High 14.: Back Home Again 15.: Thank God I'm a Country Boy 16.: Fly Away 17.: Sweet Surrender 18.: Shanghai Breezes 19.: Some Days Are Diamonds (Some Days Are Stone) 20.: Take Me Home Country Roads

發行:1997,BMG  EAN:743214625224



陽光灑在我肩上 約翰丹佛

John Denver  維基百科條目



「音樂」聽Bob Dylan鮑伯狄倫 《Another Day Of Bob Dylan》-----day 6

「音樂」聽Bruce Springsteen布魯斯史普林斯汀《Greatest Hits》-----day 11


John Denver

Also known as John Deutschendorf, Henry Deutschendorf, JD
Born:December 31, 1943,Roswell, New Mexico, United States
Died:October 12, 1997 (age 53),Pacific Grove, California
Genre(s):Traditional Folk, Folk Rock, Country, Country Folk, Rock, Pop Folk, Pop
Occupation(s):Singer-songwriter, instrumentalist, record producer, actor, writer, poet, activist
Instrument(s):Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Electric Guitar, Fiddle, Keyboard, 12-String Guitar, 8-String Guitar, Electric Acoustic Guitar(玩民謠好像都會一堆樂器)

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