Breaking My heart

Artist:Michael Learns To Rock

Album:Strange Foreign Beauty


I'm on the floor

Counting one minute more

No one to break the silence

Staring into the night

All alone but that's alright

It's the feeling deep inside I don't like


There is no excuse my friend

For breaking my heart

Breaking my heart again

This is where our journey ends

You breaking my heart again

Here in my bed

Counting the words you've said

They linger in the shadows

Coming home late at night

Drunk again but that's alright

It's the look in your eyes I don't like


There is no excuse my friend

For breaking my heart

Breaking my heart again

This is where our journey ends

You breaking my heart again


最近,認識的一位女生和男友分手,她心情陷入谷底。之前不知道時,我借她這張專輯:MLTR的Strange Foreign Beauty,裡面盡是些傷心情歌。她聽完後,她說:最喜歡Breaking My Heart,尤其喜歡It's the feeling deep inside I don't like。愛情使人陶醉,失戀卻讓人像酒鬼。渾渾噩噩處於沮喪的日子,希望她能趕快復原,讓時間幫助她度過這到難關。回望自己以前到現在:人傷我,我亦傷人,希望曾經是我的[她]也能......


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